Links to ZOOM meetings here
[For information about attending the monthly Zoom meetings (3rd Monday 10-10:40am) please email [email protected]]
[For information about attending the monthly Zoom meetings (3rd Monday 10-10:40am) please email [email protected]]
February 12, 2025- Broken Yolk Cafe (by Barry; photos by Dawn)
32 exuberant artists packed into the room today, 12 bringing a variety of pieces for discussion.
1) Phaya started the meeting by having several of the newer members reintroduce themselves so the rest of us could remember their names.
2) Once again there were many artists being accepted into galleries, many winning awards, and several sales. See Phaya's earlier emails for details. Congrats to you all.
3) A couple of artists detailed unusual techniques they used on their pieces. Sharon used Cold Press Ground (?) on a watercolor piece to overpaint a dark area; Scott explained how to bend a sliver of walnut wood for his sculpture, and Catherine showed how she progressed from sketching jellyfish at the aquarium to creating a design and making a swimsuit for her son; John used paper cays on his small sculpture.
4) As always, check Galleries websites for opportunities.
5) Oh! And check out LE on the runway at Front Porch Gallery this Saturday the 14th.
Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, February 26 at 9:45am.
February Zoom meeting is Monday 2/17 at 10 am. Jpegs to Joan by Friday 2/14 noon, please.
(Click image to enlarge)
32 exuberant artists packed into the room today, 12 bringing a variety of pieces for discussion.
1) Phaya started the meeting by having several of the newer members reintroduce themselves so the rest of us could remember their names.
2) Once again there were many artists being accepted into galleries, many winning awards, and several sales. See Phaya's earlier emails for details. Congrats to you all.
3) A couple of artists detailed unusual techniques they used on their pieces. Sharon used Cold Press Ground (?) on a watercolor piece to overpaint a dark area; Scott explained how to bend a sliver of walnut wood for his sculpture, and Catherine showed how she progressed from sketching jellyfish at the aquarium to creating a design and making a swimsuit for her son; John used paper cays on his small sculpture.
4) As always, check Galleries websites for opportunities.
5) Oh! And check out LE on the runway at Front Porch Gallery this Saturday the 14th.
Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, February 26 at 9:45am.
February Zoom meeting is Monday 2/17 at 10 am. Jpegs to Joan by Friday 2/14 noon, please.
(Click image to enlarge)
January 22, 2025 - Broken Yolk Cafe (by Phaya; photos by Dawn)
Despite four or five regular attendee absences, 26 enthusiastic members presented 18 pieces of artwork for viewing/critiquing at this morning's meeting. New members, Kathleen Glynn, Catherine Zanuccoli, Hector Gonzalez, and Mark Shkolnik were introduced to the group. Following a brief review of meeting format for the benefit of the new members, the critique of artwork generated considerable interest and feedback.
To accommodate all artists/art works, it will be necessary to limit participants to 1 art piece and implement time limits for suggestions/questions. Members are reminded to inform Phaya of their special exhibits @ various venues, and to provide her with information on any recognition/awards received, including sales of artwork for the monthly ACCOLADES email. It is important that we share the talents and excitement of “winning” with the membership and the community at large.
Additionally, we are open to suggestions for improving our meetings - please share any new ideas with Phaya and the membership.
Our next scheduled B/Yolk meetings are Feb. 12th and 26th. The February Zoom meeting is on the 17th at 10am (link is forthcoming). [Click images to enlarge]
Despite four or five regular attendee absences, 26 enthusiastic members presented 18 pieces of artwork for viewing/critiquing at this morning's meeting. New members, Kathleen Glynn, Catherine Zanuccoli, Hector Gonzalez, and Mark Shkolnik were introduced to the group. Following a brief review of meeting format for the benefit of the new members, the critique of artwork generated considerable interest and feedback.
To accommodate all artists/art works, it will be necessary to limit participants to 1 art piece and implement time limits for suggestions/questions. Members are reminded to inform Phaya of their special exhibits @ various venues, and to provide her with information on any recognition/awards received, including sales of artwork for the monthly ACCOLADES email. It is important that we share the talents and excitement of “winning” with the membership and the community at large.
Additionally, we are open to suggestions for improving our meetings - please share any new ideas with Phaya and the membership.
Our next scheduled B/Yolk meetings are Feb. 12th and 26th. The February Zoom meeting is on the 17th at 10am (link is forthcoming). [Click images to enlarge]
January 8, 2025 - Broken Yolk Cafe (by Barry; photos by Dawn)
24 members attended today. Once again, a great variety of art was brought for critique.
1) Phaya welcomed Mark S and Kathleen L, who visited today as potential new members. She also mentioned that she has received an additional 4 or 5 inquiries from artist interested in the group.
2) Dawn's Open Studio continues until January 21 when unsold art should be picked up.
30 Mary Lou has 9 sculptures on exhibition at the Fallbrook Library. Opening Reception Saturday, January 11.
3) Phaya circulated a membership list requesting email and phone numbers be checked or added so all members receive her communications.
4) January Zoom meeting is next Monday 13th at 10 am. Jpegs to Joan by this Friday, 12 noon please.
Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, January 22 at 9:45am.
February Zoom meeting is Monday 2/17 at 10 am. Jpegs to Joan by Friday 2/14 noon. [click images to enlarge]
24 members attended today. Once again, a great variety of art was brought for critique.
1) Phaya welcomed Mark S and Kathleen L, who visited today as potential new members. She also mentioned that she has received an additional 4 or 5 inquiries from artist interested in the group.
2) Dawn's Open Studio continues until January 21 when unsold art should be picked up.
30 Mary Lou has 9 sculptures on exhibition at the Fallbrook Library. Opening Reception Saturday, January 11.
3) Phaya circulated a membership list requesting email and phone numbers be checked or added so all members receive her communications.
4) January Zoom meeting is next Monday 13th at 10 am. Jpegs to Joan by this Friday, 12 noon please.
Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, January 22 at 9:45am.
February Zoom meeting is Monday 2/17 at 10 am. Jpegs to Joan by Friday 2/14 noon. [click images to enlarge]
December 4, 2024 - Broken Yolk Cafe (Minutes by Barry; photos by Dawn)
26 members attended today. Artworks for discussion varied from wood sculpture, acrylic and watercolor paintings, photographic, and found objects
1) As always, several accolades are in order. Vicky continues to sell pieces successfully through COAL; Lois has works accepted by the San Diego Watercolor Society; and Jaime and Phaya will be in this year's SUMMATION magazine at the Escondido Municipal Gallery.
2) Pickup of art from San Marcos Community Center is December 16th.
3) San Marcos Library has approached us to have a show at its library next year. Phaya will check out the location and keep us posted.
4) Selling art pieces to overseas buyers, and the potential problems involved, were discussed.
5) Phaya asked if any member who has a website has had any success with sales. The main observation was results depend on the level of effort you put in, promotion etc.
6) We learned that Alison, who has been Manager at Broken Yolk for the last couple of years, has left for a position at a new restaurant in Carlsbad. A collection was made to send to her in appreciation of the service she has provided to the group.
7) Phaya requested suggestions for next year programs, and also asked if anyone would be willing to take over her position as our leader.
8) Check Dawn's emails for details of her Open Studio planned for December 15th through January 21, 2025.
(Note: I left the meeting before she provided the details; sorry).
26 members attended today. Artworks for discussion varied from wood sculpture, acrylic and watercolor paintings, photographic, and found objects
1) As always, several accolades are in order. Vicky continues to sell pieces successfully through COAL; Lois has works accepted by the San Diego Watercolor Society; and Jaime and Phaya will be in this year's SUMMATION magazine at the Escondido Municipal Gallery.
2) Pickup of art from San Marcos Community Center is December 16th.
3) San Marcos Library has approached us to have a show at its library next year. Phaya will check out the location and keep us posted.
4) Selling art pieces to overseas buyers, and the potential problems involved, were discussed.
5) Phaya asked if any member who has a website has had any success with sales. The main observation was results depend on the level of effort you put in, promotion etc.
6) We learned that Alison, who has been Manager at Broken Yolk for the last couple of years, has left for a position at a new restaurant in Carlsbad. A collection was made to send to her in appreciation of the service she has provided to the group.
7) Phaya requested suggestions for next year programs, and also asked if anyone would be willing to take over her position as our leader.
8) Check Dawn's emails for details of her Open Studio planned for December 15th through January 21, 2025.
(Note: I left the meeting before she provided the details; sorry).
- Next meeting at Broken Yolk is our annual holiday exchange party Wednesday, Dec. 18, 9:45 am.
- No Zoom meeting this month. [Click photos to enlarge]
November 13 ,2024 - Broken Yolk Cafe (Minutes and Photos by Barry)
22 artists came today, twelve bringing a wide variety of art works to share.
1) There will be no meeting on November 27th.
2) December meetings will be on the 4th, and 18th (Holiday exchange)
3) Scott, Lois, Carolyn, Vicky and Laurie continue to gather awards and sales. See Phaya's email for details.
4) Pick up for our San Marcos Show will be December 16th. [The show is being extended for 3 weeks.]
5) Dawn has offered to open her Studio in Carlsbad for an AGNC show. More detail will follow when she returns from her overseas trip this week. See Phaya's e-mail for preliminary information.
6) Zoom meeting is Monday 18th. See Joan's email for details.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. [Click photos to enlarge]
22 artists came today, twelve bringing a wide variety of art works to share.
1) There will be no meeting on November 27th.
2) December meetings will be on the 4th, and 18th (Holiday exchange)
3) Scott, Lois, Carolyn, Vicky and Laurie continue to gather awards and sales. See Phaya's email for details.
4) Pick up for our San Marcos Show will be December 16th. [The show is being extended for 3 weeks.]
5) Dawn has offered to open her Studio in Carlsbad for an AGNC show. More detail will follow when she returns from her overseas trip this week. See Phaya's e-mail for preliminary information.
6) Zoom meeting is Monday 18th. See Joan's email for details.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. [Click photos to enlarge]
October 23,2024 - Broken Yolk Cafe (Minutes by Barry; photos credit to Dawn)
29 artists came today, sixteen bringing a wide variety of art works pieces to share.
1) There will be no meeting on November 27th due to Thanksgiving the following day.
2) Our annual HOLIDAY PARTY will be held on December 18th at Broken Yolk. We will not have any in-person meetings in December.
3) There has been one sale (Vicky) and another potential sale (Carolyn) from our current San Marcos Show. Let's hope for more before the show ends at the end of November.
4) Scott was one of only two artists to make a sale at the recent Techne Exhibition.
5) Phaya gave a brief summary of her recent visit to Santa Fe. Her main observation was that there is a major move towards contemporary pieces in galleries today, and fewer traditional Southwest art works. In addition, prices are very high.
Our last in-person weekly meeting for the year (at the Broken Yolk) is Wednesday, November 13, 9:45 am.
Our last Zoom meeting for the year will be on Monday, November 18, 10am. Please send Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday the 15th.
29 artists came today, sixteen bringing a wide variety of art works pieces to share.
1) There will be no meeting on November 27th due to Thanksgiving the following day.
2) Our annual HOLIDAY PARTY will be held on December 18th at Broken Yolk. We will not have any in-person meetings in December.
3) There has been one sale (Vicky) and another potential sale (Carolyn) from our current San Marcos Show. Let's hope for more before the show ends at the end of November.
4) Scott was one of only two artists to make a sale at the recent Techne Exhibition.
5) Phaya gave a brief summary of her recent visit to Santa Fe. Her main observation was that there is a major move towards contemporary pieces in galleries today, and fewer traditional Southwest art works. In addition, prices are very high.
Our last in-person weekly meeting for the year (at the Broken Yolk) is Wednesday, November 13, 9:45 am.
Our last Zoom meeting for the year will be on Monday, November 18, 10am. Please send Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday the 15th.
October 9,2024 - Broken Yolk Cafe (Minutes and photos by Barry)
23 artists came today, seventeen bringing pieces for discussion.
DISCUSSION: (1) Congratulations to John on the sale of his piece submitted to COAL - before the current exhibition opened. (2) Laurie and Jack have art works accepted at Art on 30th's GARDEN AUTUMN exhibition. (3) Jack and Phaya have pieces in the Escondido Municipal Gallery FLESH AND BONE exhibit. (4) Laurie, LE, and Mark all have art works at the Brooks Theater. (5) New member Sharon explained the cyanotype printing method she used on the two pieces she brought today. (6) Jan raffled off two 36"x36" canvases she no longer needs. Sharon and Pico were the lucky winners.
Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, October 23rd at 9:45 am
- Zoom meeting will be on Monday, October 14, 10am. Please send Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday 10/11.
23 artists came today, seventeen bringing pieces for discussion.
DISCUSSION: (1) Congratulations to John on the sale of his piece submitted to COAL - before the current exhibition opened. (2) Laurie and Jack have art works accepted at Art on 30th's GARDEN AUTUMN exhibition. (3) Jack and Phaya have pieces in the Escondido Municipal Gallery FLESH AND BONE exhibit. (4) Laurie, LE, and Mark all have art works at the Brooks Theater. (5) New member Sharon explained the cyanotype printing method she used on the two pieces she brought today. (6) Jan raffled off two 36"x36" canvases she no longer needs. Sharon and Pico were the lucky winners.
Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, October 23rd at 9:45 am
- Zoom meeting will be on Monday, October 14, 10am. Please send Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday 10/11.
September 25, 2024 - Broken Yolk Cafe (Minutes by Barry; photo credit to Dawn)
27 artists came today, nineteen bringing pieces for discussion.
DISCUSSION: (1) Phaya welcomed first time attendees Sharon and Hector, who saw our exhibition at San Marcos and decided to check us out; and Denise, who heard about the group through Eileen. They each brought pieces to show. (2) AGNC has eight members' works accepted by Jazzercise. The original list of artists was incomplete, and Dawn only learned of her acceptance later. (3) Phaya handed out flyers of the various Gallery opportunities coming up in the near term, Check the Galleries page for details. Note: Not all galleries use the same web platform for entries, so be sure to check.
Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, October 9th at 9:45 am
- Zoom meeting will be on Monday, October 14, 10am. Please send Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday 10/11.
27 artists came today, nineteen bringing pieces for discussion.
DISCUSSION: (1) Phaya welcomed first time attendees Sharon and Hector, who saw our exhibition at San Marcos and decided to check us out; and Denise, who heard about the group through Eileen. They each brought pieces to show. (2) AGNC has eight members' works accepted by Jazzercise. The original list of artists was incomplete, and Dawn only learned of her acceptance later. (3) Phaya handed out flyers of the various Gallery opportunities coming up in the near term, Check the Galleries page for details. Note: Not all galleries use the same web platform for entries, so be sure to check.
Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, October 9th at 9:45 am
- Zoom meeting will be on Monday, October 14, 10am. Please send Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday 10/11.
September 11, 2024 - Broken Yolk Cafe (Minutes by Barry;)
23 artists and visitors came today. Thirteen members brought a variety of pieces for discussion.
Phaya started the meeting by thanking the members who assisted in hanging our show at the San Marcos Community Center. She also stressed the importance of preparing your work correctly before submittal. Paintings must be wired, and cleaned/dusted otherwise they will be rejected. Phaya is coordinating with the Center regarding a possible Reception if we decide to have one, [NOTE: "Phaya has an amazing ability to hang our artwork, resulting in a fabulous exhibition - Thank you, Phaya." - Barry]
OTHER: (1) Several members attended the TECHNE Gallery Opening Reception last Friday evening and raved about the art on display. Do not miss it. The Gallery is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 1 to 6 pm, or by appointment. (2) Congratulations to Scott for his Honorable Mention award at Ashton Gallery.
(3) Check our AGNC Galleries page for upcoming opportunities at Ashton, Escondido, COAL and other Galleries.
(4) Carlsbad Art Walk is September 22nd, 11 - 6.
- Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday September 25th at 9:45 am
- Zoom meeting will be on Monday, September 16th. Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday the 13th, please.
23 artists and visitors came today. Thirteen members brought a variety of pieces for discussion.
Phaya started the meeting by thanking the members who assisted in hanging our show at the San Marcos Community Center. She also stressed the importance of preparing your work correctly before submittal. Paintings must be wired, and cleaned/dusted otherwise they will be rejected. Phaya is coordinating with the Center regarding a possible Reception if we decide to have one, [NOTE: "Phaya has an amazing ability to hang our artwork, resulting in a fabulous exhibition - Thank you, Phaya." - Barry]
OTHER: (1) Several members attended the TECHNE Gallery Opening Reception last Friday evening and raved about the art on display. Do not miss it. The Gallery is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 1 to 6 pm, or by appointment. (2) Congratulations to Scott for his Honorable Mention award at Ashton Gallery.
(3) Check our AGNC Galleries page for upcoming opportunities at Ashton, Escondido, COAL and other Galleries.
(4) Carlsbad Art Walk is September 22nd, 11 - 6.
- Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday September 25th at 9:45 am
- Zoom meeting will be on Monday, September 16th. Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday the 13th, please.
August 28, 2024 - Broken Yolk Cafe (Minutes by Barry; photo credit to Dawn)
Wow! 30 energetic, creative artists and visitors came today. Thirteen members brought a variety of pieces for discussion.
Phaya gave a special welcome to Maura Dormer (94), a former long-time active member. It was great to see her still going strong. Topics: (1) We received last-minute instructions for our San Marcos Show: Pieces must be taken to the San Marcos Civic by this Friday (30th), 4 pm. (2) Upcoming exhibition receptions at Ashton (Sep. 4) and Techne (Sep 7) galleries were discussed. Scott has 11 pieces at Techne. (3) Phaya reminded us that fall is when most Galleries have their Small Pieces exhibitions, so we should be preparing. Check each gallery for size restrictions before entering.
- Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, September 11 at 9:45 am
- Zoom meeting will be on Monday, September 16 at 10am. Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday the 13th, please.
Wow! 30 energetic, creative artists and visitors came today. Thirteen members brought a variety of pieces for discussion.
Phaya gave a special welcome to Maura Dormer (94), a former long-time active member. It was great to see her still going strong. Topics: (1) We received last-minute instructions for our San Marcos Show: Pieces must be taken to the San Marcos Civic by this Friday (30th), 4 pm. (2) Upcoming exhibition receptions at Ashton (Sep. 4) and Techne (Sep 7) galleries were discussed. Scott has 11 pieces at Techne. (3) Phaya reminded us that fall is when most Galleries have their Small Pieces exhibitions, so we should be preparing. Check each gallery for size restrictions before entering.
- Next meeting at the Broken Yolk is Wednesday, September 11 at 9:45 am
- Zoom meeting will be on Monday, September 16 at 10am. Jpegs to Joan by noon, Friday the 13th, please.
- 12/13/23 to 12/31/24
- 1/25/23 to 1/10/24
- 11/10/21 to 12/14/22
......EARLIER (click on link at top of page: ARCHIVES)